the struggle is real

So I have a confession. Even those trained somatically, who connect to the body daily, we struggle with perimenopause & menopause symptoms. Just like you. And the struggle is real. 

No it is not all in your f%$king head. 

As of late I feel like I’ve been on this roller coaster of a hormonal shift, something has changed. I can feel it. I won’t bore you with symptoms or how infuriating it has been to simply find providers versed in current research & data. You are most likely experiencing the same crazy making! And there are plenty of amazing women on these platforms with much more medical training than I have fighting the good fight within the medical community.  As a Gen X woman, my mother did not prepare me for this, simply because her mother didn’t prepare her either. It very much speaks to how little our culture has historically valued women post  “child bearing years”. So my generation has done what we always have done, we figure this shit out on our own, unapologetically.  We are in the midst of a revolution, redefining and rebirthing what midlife for women is supposed to look & feel like.  And I think we have all been mispronouncing “menopausal rage”; it's actually pronounced as  “advocacy”. 

I’ve spent the last 48 hours solo, my partner has been away for work & I had planned some time to just stay in; focusing on a few projects for 2024. It's been an absolute gift to just stop the chatter & busy-ness of life to really listen to my body for a couple of days. It’s given me a chance to be kind to my body, to eat what feels good, sleep, to take walks, breathe fresh air, surround myself with the rituals and things I love & what feels “home” in my body. To reassess & reconnect with my erotic energy in a way that sometimes gets overlooked in the pace of running your own business &  life. It's very much an active practice, listening to what your body is saying. 

Cheers to being kind to yourself this week, honoring your body & the innate wisdom you already hold!


can the real christie please stand up?


back to school